Reasons To Invest in Locking Mailboxes for Neighborhoods

Reasons To Invest in Locking Mailboxes for Neighborhoods

Neighborhood cluster mailboxes are handy for much more than mail delivery (though that’s important, too). When a mailbox serves many residents, it needs to offer a safe place for the mail. Cluster and other mailbox units with locks also offer peace of mind. Here are a few reasons to invest in locking mailboxes for neighborhoods.

Safeguarding the Mail

Let’s get the first and most obvious reason out of the way. Lockable mailboxes are safe. Thieves are unable to steal packages, parcels, bills, credit card statements and applications, and other identifying documents. Locks also deter less driven thieves who don’t want to get caught or bother with the extra effort.

Keeping Private Things Private

Locks and privacy are good friends. When you lock a door, window, or mailbox, you enhance the structure or container’s security and privacy. Identity thieves and nosy people will help themselves to unsupervised and accessible mail. Lock it down with community mailboxes that only a particular resident can open.

Whither Weather?

Locking mailboxes keep out more than people. They also keep out inclement weather. The best central mailbox units have locks and are sealed against the intrusion of rain, snow, sleet, and other elements that could damage mail. Parcels might sit inside a mailbox for days or weeks without the resident collecting them, so the mailbox should protect them.

Keeping the Community Safe

Limiting access to mail reduces the likelihood of criminals looking for an easy score. A secure mailbox is off-putting to miscreants who’d rather take their chances with an easily opened or flimsy box. When the neighborhood puts up a secure front, it’s less palatable to criminals.

Raising Property Values

Good-looking neighborhoods generally have high property values. Fresh coats of paint, clean streets and sidewalks, and lockable mailboxes all speak well of the community. A brand-new cluster mailbox with intact locks is a sign of safety. That means higher values for the surrounding homes and businesses. It also dissuades vandals who might destroy a mailbox that looks like an easy target.

Elbow Room

Here’s one more reason to invest in locking mailboxes for your neighborhood. Nowadays, lockable mailboxes are quite big to accommodate more mail. That’s handy in general and when mail accumulates over several days.